
BD Atkins & Son provides a wide range of services to our customers.

These services include :-

  • New Parlour Installations – including Herringbone, Swingover and Rotary and more recently robotic milking.
  • Second hand installation, and upgrades e.g Auto ID.
  • Upgrades and extension to existing equipment.
  • Clusterflush System – installation and maintenance.
  • Annual parlour testing to ISO BS6690 standard in line with Farm Assurance.
  • Complete feeding systems from the feed bins to in/out of parlour feeding.
  • Heatime System installation, technical support and upgrades.
  • In-house electronic circuit board repairs to parlour technology.
  • A Service exchange program for Circuit Boards and Feeder motors etc.
  • Vacuum pump and milk pump repairs/servicing.
  • IT Support, installation and advice.
  • Dairy chemical delivery service and qualified advice and support.
  • ADF Systems – installation and maintenance.
  • Spares for all types of equipment, including liners, vacuum pump oil, and diaphrams etc.

We have a range of products designed by ourselves that work in conjunction with Boumatic Gascoigne Melotte and Milfos equipment, these include variable speed controllers, feeding systems, gate controllers, and air injection systems.

Annual parlour testing to ISO BS6690 standard in line with Farm Assurance.

Never afraid to help

We are primarily agents for Boumatic Gascoigne Melotte, and Milfos – however, we are never afraid to help with other milking systems in Powys, Shropshire and the surrounding areas.

You’ve Earned this time

Go “RealTime” with BouMatic today and be on your way to breeding your cows earlier...